Motivated employees are the fuel of the company. Drive and commitment combined with the freedom and autonomy to take initiatives, to grow and to learn make for fun at work, a contagious positive team vibe and better performance.
Meaningful work and job satisfaction as happiness drivers
Employees who enjoy their work are better at their jobs. Employees who find their work to be meaningful and feel that they can make an important contribution have a healthier motivation and drive. Companies that guide their employees in the right way to maximise their job satisfaction and motivation are organisations that people want to work for. This is how you can win the war for talent!
Tryangle helps employees and teams to gain more insight into the match and overlap between their personal motives and objectives and those of the team or organisation. Various topics can be elaborated in the form of training, coaching and teambuilding in order to delve deeper into the purpose of teams and employees, or to grasp the tools for motivation.