Investing in talent management, assessing and developing existing talents and having employees working in the right team brings the strongest results, which are harder to achieve when focusing only on competence development without an underlying spark.

Tryangle supports organsiations and team leaders to tackle this more consciously and to help people become the best version of themselves.

Talent Management

About talent and competence

Only working from (the necessary) competences for a certain job has its limitations. Competencies based on underlying talents can be developed much more quickly and lead almost effortlessly to better performance. They also give the employee more satisfaction, fun and energy.

Managing based on talents is focusing on what is already present and is based on what the employee already naturally excels at. Matching the existing talents with the needs of the organisation is the key to greater efficiency and happiness at work. Continuing to monitor this process is also beneficial as the employee’s career evolves just like his/her needs and wishes! Tryangle helps managers explore a talent vision in addition to the classic competency management.

Want to know more? Get in touch!

How can you start working on talent management?

Tryangle consulting
Talent Driven HR
Does your organisation want to focus on the talents of employees and thus obtain more engagement, productivity and resilience? We would be happy to help identify a possible approach to implement a talent policy.
Talented or Competent
In this inspirational webinar, we address some powerful insights into the difference between talents and competencies, as well as the pros and cons of competency and talent management.
Talent Mobility
Does your organisation want to get a better idea of the talent pool and implement a talent policy? Our experts help guide all parties involved, such as managers, talent mobility managers, HR professionals, …
talentgericht leidinggeven
Talentfocused Leadership
How do you identify and combine the talents in your team? And how to deal with what employees really like to do versus the annoying tasks nobody wants to do? We guide managers in their specific situation to boost team performance through a talent-oriented approach.

Want to explore more options?